Book coaching is my passion. I love helping writers discover the complete and satisfying story that gets them excited to write it. And making sure they write it. Coaching is a strange combination of problem solver, editor, and teacher.
I am a problem-solver at heart. When one of my authors comes to me with a main character that doesn’t feel authentic, or a climax that’s not as meaningful as they envisioned, this is when I get excited. Brainstorming backstory or connecting the climax to an emotional wound, this is my zone.
But there’s more to coaching than problem solving. In reviewing the opening chapters, I might discover that the author has trouble with maintaining consistent POV, or writing realistic-sounding dialogue. An editor would point out these issues and possibly recommend an article on the craft for the author to read. But as a coach, I could recommend that same article, then discuss it with the author. I can review some examples from the author’s own writing, and teach them what head-hopping is and how to avoid confusing readers with it. I can go beyond simple suggestions, making sure they really understand the craft of writing realistic-sounding dialogue, and can apply that craft in all future writing, helping them to become a better writer.

Coaching Packages
Opening Review – The cost of this package is $500 USD.
This package is an evaluation of the first three chapters of your book. I will check your opening for the introduction of your main characters, story problem, and story goal. I will also evaluate your writing for common craft issues such as setting, description, dialogue, conflict, pacing, genre promises, and show versus tell.
You will receive an editorial letter (email) outlining 2-3 big picture issues, along with suggestions for addressing them. You can then choose a one-hour Zoom meeting or 1-2 email conversations to discuss your letter and any questions you may have.
Story Check – The cost of this package is $500 USD.
Story Check is an overall check of your full story synopsis. I will check your synopsis for plot, story structure, character development/growth, story problem/goal, pacing, theme, GMC, and the fulfillment of your genre promises, among other things.
You will receive an editorial letter (email) outlining 2-3 big picture issues, along with suggestions for addressing them. You can then choose a one-hour Zoom meeting or 1-2 email conversations to discuss your letter and any questions you may have.
You must have finished a 2-5 page synopsis of your whole story to get this package. If you need help writing your short 2-5 page synopsis, choose the Story Check Plus package.
Story Check Plus – The cost of this package is $750 USD.
This package includes up to 2 hours of Zoom meetings to discuss your story and help you draft a 2-5 page synopsis of your novel. After that, your synopsis will be evaluated for plot, story structure, character development/growth, story problem/goal, pacing, theme, GMC, and the fulfillment of your genre promises, among other things.
You will receive an editorial letter (email) outlining 2-3 big picture issues, along with suggestions for addressing them. You can then choose a one-hour Zoom meeting or 1-2 email conversations to discuss your letter and any questions you may have.
This is an open coaching session. It can be used to flesh out your story idea into a plan or outline. It can be used to review a single chapter for craft issues such as dialogue or character GMC. It can be used to solve problems you’re hearing from beta readers or critique partners. It can be used for accountability, to make sure you are completing a new chapter every week. It’s up to you. These can be Zoom meetings if you’re comfortable, or email conversations if you prefer to avoid face-to-face meetings. Please note, if extensive reading or preparation is required outside of the meeting, this will diminish the time spent in the meeting.
1 hour: $100 USD
3 hours: $285 USD
5 hours: $450 USD
10 hours: $850 USD
Ready to Work?
Contact me to set up a meeting or email exchange to see if we are a good fit to work together and which package/service will meet your needs.